Pin2Dmd Editor

This is a new tool used in my new project pin2dmd, which is a RGB led panel nearly the size of a real pinball dmd for use within a real pinball machine or in a virtual pinball as well.

The driver board uses a stm32f4 discovery board, which has several connector to drive a hub75 rgb panel or a classic pinball dmd led replacement panel. Feed data in via usb from host computer or connect a real pinball machines dmd driver board output.

Further information see various threads on and

  • //
  • //
  • //
  • maybe some more on pinside

This page is about the editor for use with pin2dmd to define palettes and keyframes switching palettes export then to the driver board online via usb or “offline” via fila on sd card mainly for use in a real pinball machine.

There is also a more sophisticated manual on the pin2dmd website.

First to make it more concrete I’ve recorded a screencast to show the new functionality of pin2dmd editor.

You will always find the actual versions (mac and win / 32 and 64 bit) of the editor here.

Old Changelog:


  • reenable rename of keyframes and anis
  • added licensing for pin2dmd export
  • added support for masks
  • changed export format to new 2.X firmware of pin2dmd


  • reenable export of foo.ani (goDMD)
  • minor bugfix on loading animations


  • lots of minor bugfix regard project load / save / export


  • Bugfix device config, default palette


  • added device config, writing pin2dmd.dat


  • drawing improved, big refactoring


  • bugfixes for smartdmd palette import


  • minor bugfixes in UI


  • fixed load project bug


  • Bugfix: first defined keyFrame was not saved
  • Bugfix: Load / Save could hang if animation was stopped.
  • Improvement: First implementation of USB tooling to directly communicate to pin2dmd (untested)

Recording is outdated and refers to an older version of the editor.

To get such recordings from a vp session there is also a tutorial see here // (german of course, but with google translations integrated in the page)

And to make it short its just:

  1. copy the right vpinmame.dll into the pinmame directory
  2. create a c:\tmp directory
  3. play your favourite pinball and do a really go play to include as many dmd frames as possible.
  4. open cmd.exe, goto c:\tmp. rename dump.txt to my-drwho-recording.txt (or whatever) and compress it with gzip.
  5. This is the kind of recording to editor can laod.

Have fun.

I’ve added a recorded video tutorial for capturing dmd scenes as well:

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