
This page lists all changes for firmware and tools related to goDMD clock and RasPinSound. If a version is marked with a “rc” postfix, it is not yet released, but listed changes will most likely be included in the upcoming version.

Latest changelog for RasPiSound / TILT!Audio see:

[GoDmd | RasPiSound]

Firmware godmd-stm32



  • added “true” color support (15 bit rgb)
  • web ui can now show serial and licensing information
  • service handler for wifi also works when in unregistered loop
  • support v3 ani files with frame compression

  • Bugfix for boards with internal rtc
  • PIR delay time is now configurable / also via web config
  • Support of internal flash file system
    • enables startup / running even without sd card installed
  • added default option.dat (settings), one font, one animation to internal file system
  • extended range for brightness (higher brightness)
  • added version check in web ui, that announces a new version automatically

  • fixed issue with dht sensor (was always disabled)
  • fixed date switch off config in web config
  • fixed issue with uart communication (B10/11 was not working at all)


Snapshot / RC Builds and Official Releases

Firmware RasPiSound



  • enabled core dumps in case service breaks

  • bugfix: resume from jingle was playing wrong music

  • stop cmd fix for DCS
  • configureable shaker pin
  • i2s support for external DAC (PCM5102) for improved sound
  • configurable pinout for i2s support

  • new smaller image (based on diet pi), should always fit on a 16GB card
  • faster startup time
  • full support for usb stick

  • working with DCS machines
  • support for USB stick based setup
  • support for recording / playback
  • improved testing
  • builtin descrambling support for most sounds
  • support for serial commands for controlling serial-media-server
  • support for additional stop commands
  • background music looping configurable
  • experimental whitestar support

  • support for older data east
  • announcement of mode
  • improved WPC mode, handling of 0x6x cmds
  • bugfix in volume handling (ducking vs. jingle)
  • fixed handling of rotary encoder for data east
  • added output enable for latest pcb rev.
  • shaker support config: active high or low

  • playback & recording option
  • combined config file: config.raspisnd -> contains settings and hash mapping

  • DCS support (vendor = 5)
  • log level configurable
  • playback of recordings
  • various bugfixes

  • support for mapping files ‘config.raspisnd’ to map scrambled IDs to hardware ID from pinball machine
  • preload control can now be based on size, so only big ones get preloaded (save startup time & delay when loading on demand)
  • preload settings option: preload_threshold=XX size in byte for sample to get preloaed
  • no audio start option for tests and debug
  • more debug log output on start to detect audio problems
  • sound sets directories must no longer be numbers but arbitrary names

  • even more bugfixes for WPC (do not use 1.5 with WPC)
  • improved soundset switching with WPC
  • new config switches in raspisound.ini:
    • preload = 0: no preload of sounds at all
    • vendor = X: controls vendor 0=DataEast, 1=WPC
  • introduced shuffle mode, where soundset changes automatically every 5 min

Download RasPiSound Firmware updates: Snapshot / RC Builds

If you need the complete Firmware Image, please find the image product in the shop.

Download in general

Binaries for tools and firmware can always be found on my bintray account.